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James Bond Launch Party 11-01-'23

Geplaatst: 14 dec 2022, 11:54
door Bingovit
Woensdag 11 januari organiseren we de officiƫle Launch Party van James Bond! :)
Hoofdwedstrijd voor IFPA is op Jams Bond te spelen en er zal ook nog een zijwedstrijd zijn.
Meer info:
Every player gets to play 1-3 games on the newest James Bond depending on the number of players present.
If the number of players is lower than 10, everyone gets to play 3 games, between 10- 20 players you can play 2 qualifying games and everything over 20 players is only one game.
During the tournament you'll see your score on the Insider Connected Leaderboard.
The best 7 players will play an elimination round final.
Each player plays on James Bond, the player with the lowest score is eliminated and the other 6 players play again an elimination round.
This will continue until there are only two players left and all the other are eliminated.
These two players will play a final 4-ball game agains each other to determine who's the real 007!